Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conscious Media Network & Global Dimming

I woke in the middle of the night recently, not so much from a nightmare but from a dream about the ravages the world has gone through with natural disasters, the death and destruction thereof...Recently though, I DID wake from terrifying nightmare about my home being full of water, my front yard was a swamp, and full of scary crocodile monsters and such...Luckily, later in the scary dream, my dog and I survive and later, walking in the sun, wonder what just happened....The dream clearly indicated to me my stress level related to the house and my fear of losing it through financial hardship created by the current world economy issues and lack of resources to keep bailing myself out...I'd also been watching the news, the weather channel specifically about the flooding and tornadoes with the third highest level of death and destruction.

I try to pat attention to science on a regular basis, as I've grown up fascinated with it. The climate especially fascinates me especially these days, I'm a sky watcher...I'm a sun lover, but adore the moon and stars of the night sky.

As I sat here wondering about the massive changes going on not only all over the planet on global scales, in my tiny little bubble of a life, massive changes are going on there as well..It's not only a mental process I'm going through, it's an emotional process, and a spiritual one. The world is changing dramatically and at an alarming rate. Sometimes, when I watch the news on television, for instance, I can feel the rumblings below the's scary to me sometimes, but it's all just part of the process to renewal. At some point, the world at large - and my tiny little sphere of life - we are going to have no choice, but to make changes...

Whilest surfing for something positive in the world wide web and digging through my bookmarks, I decided to surf around the Conscious Media Network and found this video which led me to viewing the Global Dimming documentary.

You can continue watching the additional segments on youtube.

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