Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Waking Up

It has been quite some time since I have been blogging on any of my blogs.  I have many of them, all born with sparks of great ideas to share with others.

This blog in particular came about when at a particular job I was in for the better part of a year, the boss wanted to upgrade our sustainability status and so get a particular award from the City of Portland....We did receive that award after we met the required steps to become green enough to receive such....In any case, this blog was born out of the ideas to become more sustainable myself, and at a time when I was really waking up to how UNHEALTHY our American products and food really are.  I am here today, to revive the life back into this blog, to share ideas with you about healthier living in ALL aspects!  I hope you will check the many links I have been gathering over the years and find for yourself a way to live without so much of the chemicals and falseness that surrounds us everywhere, in everything.

Good Luck to you and yours in your efforts to turn over a new leaf and becoming consciously green!!


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